A Dynamic Duo to Boost Cognition

Photo by Josh Riemer on Unsplash

What Is L-Theanine and Why Does It Matter?

Both caffeine and L-theanine are psychoactive but they have very different effects on the brain when taken separately. For example, most people feel energized by caffeine and relaxed by L-theanine. When taken together they work in harmony.
The cognitive effects are:
  • longer sustained focus
  • improved memory
  • alertness
  • speed
  • accuracy of tasks performed

The beauty of this brainy power couple is that achieving these effects is easy and safe for almost everyone from the age of 12 upward. Most of us know that we can find caffeine in products like coffee, chocolate, some teas, and caffeinated soft drinks. Almost everything being sold as an energy boost will contain caffeine.

While caffeine does a number of things to our brain, it doesn’t really give us energy.

Caffeine works by blocking adenosine from its corresponding receptors that help cue the brain to prepare for sleep. By blocking these receptors, caffeine allows us to feel more alert when we’re tired.

In order to understand the mental benefits of combining caffeine and L-theanine, it’s important to realize caffeine’s dark side.

People who drink caffeinated drinks regularly have probably noticed that a coffee or soda makes them feel alert and productive. But too many of these caffeinated beverages can make a person feel jittery and easily distracted; some people even become anxious. One reason this occurs is that caffeine triggers a release of glutamate. Glutamate is an excitable neurotransmitter which means it’s part of the fight or flight response.

Enter L-theanine. Many of us are familiar with how caffeine makes us feel, but what is L-theanine and why does it matter? L-theanine is a plant derived amino acid found mostly in black and green teas. While these teas also contain caffeine, they don’t deliver quite the jolt that coffee does because of L-theanine.

L-theanine relaxes the mind without sedating it.

Like caffeine blocking adenosine from its receptor, L-theanine blocks glutamate from its corresponding receptor. L-theanine goes one step further and also binds to the glutamine transporter which means more glutamate cannot be released into the central nervous system.

This means that you get all the alert and productive benefits of caffeine without the shaky, anxious, scatterbrained side effects.

Another downside to caffeine is that it is vasoconstricting (narrowing of blood vessels) which slows blood flow, including to the brain and can increase blood pressure. L-theanine, however, contributes to vasodilation (widening of the blood vessels) in the brain which increases the blood flow and the amount of oxygen it receives.

And both caffeine and L-theanine promote the release of dopamine and serotonin contributing to better mood.

Caffeine sensitivity varies between individuals based on genetics and also on how much caffeine you’re accustomed to consuming. To truly reap the benefits of these chemical compounds, you should know what your sensitivity to caffeine is.

If you want to explore the effects of caffeine and L-theanine beyond a cup of tea, another consideration to make is medication. If you’re on high blood pressure or depression medications, you should check with your doctor first.

The most common ratio for mental benefits is 2 parts L-theanine to 1 part caffeine.

If you’re a coffee drinker, you probably get enough caffeine and can just supplement with L-theanine. Both caffeine and L-theanine are water soluble and can be purchased in powder form.

A common starting point is 100mg caffeine and 200mg L-theanine and adjust from there based on your results. For the most efficacy, take the L- theanine about 10 minutes before you drink your coffee and have your coffee about about 30 minutes before you want the desired effects to kick in. These effects will last approximately 4-8 hours.

When life hands you a challenge that demands an extra squeeze of productivity, remember this dynamic duo.

After all, who couldn’t use a longer sustained focus when cramming for exams? Or an improved memory when preparing an important speech?  Who doesn’t want to be more alert while performing their tasks?

Be the one that gets results with more speed and accuracy
while remaining calm and cool under pressure!

All of these things are safely attainable with caffeine and L-theanine.

© Cherie Fournier 2021