Let’s Talk About the Voices in Your Head

The Most Under-Rated Mental Health Fix Anyone Can Do freepik.com Look Studio We still don’t understand exactly where thoughts originate. What we do understand is that our thoughts — the voices in our head — have a profound effect on us. The stories we tell ourselves affect our moods, which affects our perception, which then affects our … Read more

What the Heck is a Self-Admin Checklist?

And why you need one Pixabay — NRThaele Have you ever had those days that were just ho-hum? You’re not quite sure why, but lately you’re having more and more of those low energy days. Things are off. You’ve been making lots of little mistakes or maybe everyone’s super annoying lately. Life isn’t always fun and exciting. … Read more

Your Body Needs Help

The National Institutes of Health estimates that 95% of Americans don’t eat enough fiber. The National Institutes of Health estimates that 95% of Americans don’t get enough fiber from their diets. 95%…that’s huge… that means pretty much everybody! But if 95% of Americans can go without fiber without dropping dead then what’s the point? Do … Read more

How To Hone Your Gut Instincts

13 Minutes a Day Will Improve Your Life Gut instincts are great for a variety of life scenarios- work, relationships, purchases, snap judgements, etc. Trusting your gut can even save your life! While using a combination of gut instinct and hard data is the best way to make decisions, sometimes you just don’t have the … Read more

Extolling the Virtues of Eggs

5 Fun Questions Answered And… … An Eggcellent Crowd Pleasing Recipe Below Which came first, the chicken or the egg? The EGG! C’mon… it’s basic science. (See references at the bottom of page and click on ScienceASAP) What is one of the most bioavailable protein sources for the body? The EGG! Bioavailability is simply how … Read more

Why Haven’t I Heard of THIS Until Now?

If You’re Trying to Build Lean Muscle BCAAs Might Be for You Too! I’m trying something new today. I ordered a BCAA product from Amazon and it just arrived. BCAAs stands for branch chain amino acids. These amino acids are L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, and L-Valine. These BCAAs are great for building and healing lean muscle. I … Read more

5 Ways to Tell if You’re Truly Fat Or…

5 Questions that Help Determine if You’re Truly Fat Or… …Has Body Dysmorphia Struck Again? “What do you mean you think you’re fat!?! Don’t be ridiculous!” That’s how my boyfriend reacted when I told him that I think I’m getting fat. I’m a healthy woman, or so I thought until none of my clothes fit … Read more

3 Easy Health Tips, Even if You’re Lazy

Gateway Habits for Long Term Health Part of being healthy is maintaining a healthy weight. A healthy weight isn’t about being skinny. It’s about ensuring that you’re not burdening your body with excess fat. One indication that excess body fat is being accumulated is when your clothes start fitting tighter. When your favorite jeans are … Read more

App-Propriate for a Healthy Lifestyle?

Can Smartphone Apps Really Make Healthy Lifestyle Goals Easier to Attain? Leading a healthy lifestyle can be a big challenge in today’s modern world. So, can smartphone apps really make healthy lifestyle goals easier to attain? For this article we’ll focus on those that help track nutrition and fitness. The common thread between the 4 … Read more