Say Yes Peas! To Organic Canned Peas
Why Organic Canned Peas?
Because they’re easy peasy! Organic canned peas have a barely-there earthy sweet flavor that blends well with many foods. Plus, they’re precooked, so you can just throw them into whatever you’re making. Peas are fiber rich and offer a protein packed punch. Just 100 grams of peas offers 5 grams of fiber and protein. One serving (only half a cup) of peas contains more vitamin C than two apples. These small but mighty legumes also add plenty of vitamin A, vitamin K, thiamin, iron, folate, phosphorus, manganese, copper, magnesium, potassium, and zinc to your diet. Add them to virtually any soup, stew, or sauce… even adding them to plain rice or pasta … viola, you have a quick, filling, nutritious meal.
One of my favorite quick meals:
- 1 can tuna
- 1 can organic peas
- 1-2T olive oil
- 1-2 cloves garlic
- 1T curry
- 1t turmeric
- salt and pepper
Take one can of tuna and one can of peas, open them, drain them, then gently mix them together in a bowl with a tablespoon or two of olive oil. Season with salt, pepper, curry, turmeric, and garlic. It may sound weird (it did to me when a body builder told me about it) but it’s actually really yummy. This meal will fuel me all day long.
Why Organic Canned Peas?
Because I forget which fruits and vegetables I should buy organic; what are the dirty dozen again? So, I make it easy on myself and just buy everything organic. Also, I’ve noticed that often times (not always) organic canned fruits and veggies taste better than their non-organic counterparts. Maybe it’s all in my head, maybe some of these labels pick better quality fruits and veggies, maybe they don’t use as much salt or sugar (if this is an issue for you, check the labels, because some are actually higher), maybe they don’t have that nasty BPH lining on the inside of the can… honestly, I’m not sure, but it’s a habit now.
Fun Fact:
Most people think peas are a vegetable and that’s why they’re stocked next to all the other canned veggies in the grocery store. But they’re not; they’re a fruit that develops from the ovary of the pea flower.
Why Organic Canned Peas?
Because I like to have a full pantry. Canned foods last a long time, usually three to five years. As I mentioned earlier, they’re also pre-cooked. This means that if my stove, microwave, or refrigerator breaks down, I’m still covered. I like knowing that in case of an emergency, I have a stockpile of healthy ready-to-eat foods close by. It also gives me peas of mind knowing that if I get too busy, too lazy, or just forget to go to the grocery store, I have something easy and nutritious in my pantry. Of course, fresh organic fruits and veggies are a better source of food, but canned fruits and vegetables are better than no fruits or vegetables… so, if you’re in a rush or just feeling lazy, reach for a can of organic peas… your body will thank you.
© Cherie Fournier 2021